170. Velvet Romance Rose Bouquet

170. Velvet Romance Rose Bouquet

Regular price$189.00
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The Velvet Romance Rose Bouquet is the epitome of passion and elegance, a timeless gift that speaks the language of love. This luxurious arrangement features a lavish collection of the deepest red roses, each one carefully selected for its velvety texture and rich, captivating hue. The roses are densely packed to form a breathtaking dome of blossoms, symbolizing a full and beating heart.

Encased in a sumptuous, deep red velvet box that adds to the allure, this bouquet is a classic symbol of love and desire. Accented with a graceful ivory ribbon that cascades down, the presentation is as exquisite as the sentiment it conveys.

Ideal for anniversaries, proposals, Valentine's Day, or any moment that calls for a grand romantic gesture, the Velvet Romance Rose Bouquet is sure to leave an indelible impression on your beloved's heart.

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